Blackberry messenger - Before we discuss more about how to install blackberry messenger for Windows Phone, it helps us know in advance about the terms blackberry messenger for Windows Phone for these applications to run smoothly on your windows phone, the following is the requirement to install the Windows Phone app blackberry messenger:
Windows Phone OS 8.1
Windows Phone 8
Should Already Installed(system Windows Phone):
phone identity
owner identity
video and still capture
location services
music library
photos library
media playback
Data services
phone dialer
push notification service
movement and directional sensor
VOIP calling
web browser component
The resolution blackberry messenger Application Support For Windows Phone:
HD720P (720x1280)
WVGA (480x800)
WXGA (768x1280)
Easy way to install apps blackberry messenger on windows phone
Download File .xap blackberry messenger for windows phone (here).
Save the file in an external memory .xap phone (Microo SD).
Go to the main menu, and select exchange
Select Other (icon point three times), & next, select Install applications locally. and If you are running a version of Windows Phone that earlier, search options SD card instead.
Note: If you have inserted the SD card or add .XAP file, you may have to wait a few minutes before you can access your SD card from the Exchange.
Choose a BBM app for Windows Phone, next select Install. wait until the process is completed
Congratulations Applications Blackberry Messenger For Windows Phone is already installed and will appear in your phone app list. Read : How to install android apps on blackberry z10, z3 and Z30