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High Traffic Earning Low, Low Traffic High Earning

Posted by Hanya on 10 Apr 2015

Mystery Blog Traffic And Earning Adsense. Blog traffic and earnings (income) are the two lovebirds adsense that mystery. They seem to have a very close relationship secret and interrelated.

Believe it or not, when high blog traffic, then adsense earnings lower. And when traffic is low, blogs adsense earning high. Very rarely, high blog traffic and high earnings, but always the opposite.


But if we let a low traffic blog continuously it will lower the risk of earnings at the end, because the number of visitors diminished course. However, if traffic blog runway in order to rise, then the low-risk adsense earnings.


High traffic does not mean earning high and low traffic does not mean lower earnings.

Which makes high earnings are:

1. Lucky Gods are in favor to us
2. The amount of advertising (ad inventory) in google are many
3. Many high CPC ads appear on our blog
4. Many people who click on the ad of the day

In order for the above four things can happen in our blog, we have:

1. Pray to God
2. Expect growing number adwords advertisers
3. Research the keywords in google planner
4. Placement and color settings compelling ad

Keep writing articles and happy blogging
Up here first info I can share it to friends and hopefully useful. Do not forget to see also Protect Your Adsense With Prevent Spam Comments

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