Technology Information - Nowadays a lot of tools that have made portable, meaning a lot of tools made mini and to facilitate the use of the carry it, now it turns out there are a lot of equipment is possible if thought can not be made in portable equipment and look odd if used as portable, but the reality equipment this can be made portable,, Read : Kissinger, the Unique Gadgets That Can Be Used To Kiss A Distance
1. Portable Fireplace
This tool was designed by John Dimopoulos, director of Geoform, Design & Architect Firm, Sydney, this tool is a combination of wood, leather and kilil (English: swivel) stainless steel, glass on the device to function dispel the heat directly to users.
2. Portable Toilet
Too Niban Corporation managed to make a handbag that is easy to carry kemana2 by Japanese workers who are known with supersibuk it. Consisting of pit toilets and handles, hand sanitizers are interchangeable rechargeable, glass cover (very important when agan want to waste pooped in crowded places), weighs about 175 pounds.
3. Portable Beds
designed by the company Atelier OPA, this tool sanagt practical because it can be used to eat sleep and dress.
4. Portable Washing Machine
This washing machine uses human power electric open, so we just turned it then this machine will work cleaning our clothes.
5. Portable Toaster
This washing machine uses human power electric open, so we just turned it then this tool emmang glance looks like a knife to spread jam, but this tool is a portable toaster, we just apply to this tool dian camp bread will bake our bread. Read Also : The World's Most Advanced Mobile future from sony