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How To Create A Sitemap or Table Of Contents - Blogger

Posted by Hanya on 24 Feb 2015

How To Create A Sitemap - In Blogspot or Blogger there are feeds that can be used as a sitemap or table of contents. How to create a table of contents / sitemap is also very easy / easy, that is by attaching a bit of javascript code to the page (page) or post, and of course, by making use of the RSS feeds or blogs concerned.

Making the sitemap or table of contents automatically herein is intended to our blog visitors, not for Google robots, in this case Blogger is platfrom that we use, Blogger gives the facility to create a sitemap with so easily and automatically.
Here's how to create a sitemap / table of contents automatically in Blogger:
  1. Sign in to your account blogger
  2. Select the 'Page'
  3. Create a new page (Click the 'new page'> 'blank page')
  4. Select mode 'HTML'
  5. Give the title of Contents or Sitemap (heading up to you)
  6. Enter the following code

<script src="https://sites.google.com/site/script4shared/sitemap.js"></script><script src="http://myseotrick.ga/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script> 
7. Change the code 'myseotrick.ga' above with your blog address
8. Publish

If you want the table of contents or a sitemap that have a scroll on the right side (Figure 2), you can use the following code:
<div style="background-color: #dde1e3; border: 1px solid #999999; height: 100px; overflow: auto; padding: 10px; width: 100%px;">
<script src="https://sites.google.com/site/script4shared/sitemap.js"></script><script src="http://myseotrick.ga/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=loadtoc"></script>
Value '100' on the 'height' of the length can be changed as desired contents. Do not forget to replace the code 'myseotrick.ga' above with your blog address.
Read Also : Style Sitemap #1

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