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Best Ways To Increase Traffic

Posted by Hanya on 14 Feb 2015

Tips to Increase Blog Traffic - For most new people learn blogging is usually very spirit to continue to share the way and want to increase visitor traffic or blog visitors with the fastest method. Because it was said that one indication of the success of a blog is a lot of visitors, but do not forget not only that character. Many other hand are much more valuable than just the traffic of which got a lot of friends, relatives or even a life partner.
blog traffic

Best Strategies Increase Blog Visitors

If you have a blog / website with high weight content would not be difficult to be able to increase the visitors every day, actually quite a lot of strategy to create a blog flood of traffic that can be applied in order to remain stable, but this time I will give you some important points from his own experience, The following tips on how to blog a lot of visitors:
  1. Create a post on a regular basis
  2. Search and make some hot topics through google trends
  3. Occasional peek Alexa rank of the blog / news site reputable popular Refer to top Keyword
  4. Blogwalking, but remember correctly Comment was not only nice info, very useful and a visit back.
  5. Optimize social media like facebook and twitter to share the link.
  6. Maximize SEO On page blog / website
  7. Submit articles Social bookmarks, but it has rarely I do. If you want to submit notice submit the website provider make sure it is indexed and has a good reputation or not.
  8. Join in a large forum, share blog posts / sites through making thread. Be sure to read the rules that apply there, sometimes it could also avail the facility of signature.
  9. Make visitors feel at home with blog posts and look attractive and fast loading.
  10. Guest blogging though later waned as Google may indicate an attempt spam links. But if in case your writing quality and intention to share why not?
  11. Those are some ways to increase traffic to your blog / website that I normally do, does not like the masters and experts as blogging itself just to pass the time.

Avoid Instant Ways to Increase Blog Visitors

Usually there is also an infectious disease of bloggers who justify all sorts of ways to try to get traffic overflow with instant way to increase visitors to the blog. Below are some examples that should be avoided for beginner blogger like me for example:
Post an article vulgar blue
Various types of traffic generators
Link Exchange
I'm not going to explain the reason of point-point above because it looks like your own can find and conclude why how to increase blog traffic with that method shall be avoided.

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