10 Technologies That Will Trend 2015 - Gartner defines a strategic technology trends as one of the potential for significant impact on the organization in the next three years. Factors that indicate a significant impact include a high potential for business interruption, and the user or IT, the need for large investments, or risk too late to adopt.
The above trends for 2015 include three themes: merging real and virtual world, the emergence of intelligence everywhere, and the impact of digital technology business shift.
1# Computing Everywhere
David Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow, explains that the use of mobile phones and devices are part of the expanded computing environment. "Increasingly, it is the whole environment needs to adapt to the requirements of mobile users. This will continue to improve the management challenges that are essential for IT organizations as they lose control device endpoint users. It will also require increased attention to user experience design."
2# The Internet of Things
Gartner states that the combination of the flow of data and services made by digitizing all created four basic usage models: managing, money, operate and expand. Companies should not restrict ourselves to think that only the Internet of Things (assets and machines) have the potential to take advantage of the four models.
3# 3-D Printing
Gartner states that the 3-D printing will reach a critical point during the next three years as the market for a relatively inexpensive device 3-D printing continues to grow and evolve significantly industrial purposes. Industrial, biomedical applications and new customers will continue to show that the 3-D printing is a viable means and cost-effective way to reduce costs through improved design, prototyping and manufacturing efficient short term.
4# Advanced, Pervasive and Invisible Analytics
Analytics will take center fame as the volume of data generated by the embedded systems is increasing and a large pool of structured data and unstructured inside and outside the company analyzed.
5# Context Rich Systems
Ubiquitous embedded intelligence combined with pervasive analysis will encourage the development of systems that alert to their surroundings and able to respond appropriately, and appropriate. Gartner highlights examples of context-aware security as the initial application of this capability. By understanding the context of the user's request, the application can not only adjust their security response, but also regulate how information is delivered to the user, simplifying an increasingly complex computing world.
6# Smart Machines
In the analysis applied to understand the context of providing the prerequisites for the world of smart machines / robots. It combines with a sophisticated algorithm that enables the system to understand their environment, to learn for themselves, and act autonomously. Prototype autonomous vehicles, advanced robots, virtual personal assistant and adviser existing intelligent and will develop rapidly, ushering in a new era of auxiliary engines. Gartner believes that the era of intelligent machines will be the most disturbing in the history of IT
7# Cloud/Client Computing
The convergence of the cloud / cloud / client computing and mobile computing will continue to drive the growth of centralized coordinated applications that can be delivered to any device. "Cloud is a new style elastic, scalable, self-service computing, and both internal and external applications applications will be built in this new style," said Cearley.
8# Software - Defined Applications and Infrastructure
Agile programming everything from applications to basic infrastructure is essential to enable the organization to provide the flexibility needed to make the work of the digital business. Network, storage, data center and security Software-defined maturity. Cloud services are software-configurable through an API call, and applications, are also increasingly have a rich API for accessing their content and programming functions.
9# Web - Scale IT
Web-scale IT is a world-class computational patterns that provide capabilities that big cloud service providers in the IT firm setting. Gartner predicts that more organizations will begin to think, act and build applications and infrastructure such as Web giants such as Amazon, Google and Facebook. Web-scale IT does not happen immediately, but will evolve over time as a commercial hardware platform to embrace new models and cloud-optimized and software-defined approach to reach the mainstream.
10# Risk Based Security and Self-Protection
Gartner states that all the way into the digital future through security. However, in the digital business world, security is not an obstacle to stop all progress. Organizations will increasingly realize that it is not possible to give 100 percent secure environment. After the organization recognizes that, they can begin to implement a risk assessment and mitigation of more sophisticated tools. This will lead to a new model to build security directly into the application. Perimeter and firewalls are no longer enough; each application must be aware of yourself and protect yourself.