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How to Increase Sites Linking In Alexa

Posted by Hanya on 6 Apr 2015

How to Quickly Adding Sites Linking In Alexa - Hi bloggers, surely already know what it is Alexa. This article will discuss how to add Sites Linking In alexa. Some bloggers would already know it but there are also still do not know at all even just heard the term.

What was Sites Linking In Alexa?

Sites Linking In that exist in Alexa is actually a backlink on blog. But backlinks are calculated using the Alexa system, & not using google system. From there alexa and google backlink count is different, this is because the calculation of backlinks using different systems.

What function Sites Linking In Alexa To Blog?

Sites Linking In function as well as backlinks functions are:

  1. increase pagerank
  2. Increase blog traffic
  3. Blog increasingly popular
  4. and much more

How to Obtain Sites Linking In Alexa?

The trick is the same as it does seek regular backlinks. You can do some of the following ways to get backlinks.

  1. Commented with NameURL / OpenID on DoFollow blogs.
  2. Doing LinkExchange / TukarLink with other blogs.
  3. Sign up at the various sites Directory

The result did not occur immediately, you have to wait about 1-2 weeks to see results. This is because the Sites Linking In Alexa updates about 1-2 weeks.

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