Labston - Who is not familiar with this one browser? during this most of us only know if Mozilla Firefox, is an application for browsing, but behind the SEO experts would also look at other opportunities that are not less great than this one browser that is "BackLink."
Previously we have discussed about How to get backlinks from google and facebook. Also list of backlinks from .edu Direct and .GOV DoFollow 2015
Mozilla Firefox can be utilized to get quality backlinks DoFollow PR 9 which is very useful for offpage SEO web / blog. We also all know that in order to get a high ranking in the search engines one to do that is get backlinks from well-known sites that have a high PageRank.
Here are the steps
Please proceed to register the official web Mozilla: Mozilla addons
Please use the form that has been provided:
Do not forget to enter the web address / blog on a column Homepage
After registering now please open your email to confirm your registration
Please login to Mozilla Addons to see your membership and make sure the web address / blog already there