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Choose become dofollow or nofollow blog?

Posted by Hanya on 10 Apr 2015

What is the difference dofollow or nofollow? I also have discussed previously, Read : dofollow vs nofollow blog and How To Know Blog DoFollow or NoFollow. The fundamental difference between dofollow and nofollow links exist on the ability to pass on the points page. A DoFollow page will give points to the pages to which it refers, while page nofollow is not. So you think it's better so nofollow or dofollow?

The answer is dependent on the capabilities and needs. If you feel able to make your blog crowded, so does not need to do this trick for the purpose of this trick just to add to the traffic. Use of this trick will add your blog visitors from among hunters backlinks (like me). The question is whether you need the presence of hunters backlinks?
dofollow or nofollow blog

if you feel the presence of hunters can add points alexa backlinks you, then do not rush into dofollow. There are three more things you should consider.
  1. Does the addition of Alexa's point still benefit more than the effect of decreasing the point of your blog page?
  2. Are you comfortable enough with comments that are often just niceties.
  3. Do you just need a regular traffic and is not targeted traffic? Regular traffic that means, there are visitors. While targeted traffic is traffic that actually seek you offer.

If your answer is the same as below, so please go into a DoFollow blog. If not, then you should think twice before becoming dofollow. So .... if you answer the same with the following answers?
  1. Yes, visitors so much more than when I was a nofollow. So even though Google is reduced, visitor interested dofollow pages still more.
  2. It's okay "niceties" that are important crowded
  3. I do not need a specific visitor, more importantly alexa down, so that people want to advertise or put up a review, etc.

If your answer is the opposite, so should not be dofollow. Make sure you know the count-calculation. Many have become dofollow retreat in the middle of the street and just fouled dofollow list already made some bloggers who recommend their website.

Difference dofollow or nofollow

NoFollow HTML will look like this:
<a href="http://labston.blogspot.com/p/get-backlinks-submit-your-link.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Get Free Backlink </a>

DoFollow HTML will look like this:
<a href="http://labston.blogspot.com/p/get-backlinks-submit-your-link.html" target="_blank"> Get Free Backlink </a>

The difference is the red code in bold; rel = "nofollow"

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