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Understanding Google Penguin Algorithm

Posted by Hanya on 2 Feb 2015

Penguin google algorithm was launched on April 24, 2012. Penguin launched to filter on sites that have unnatural backlink to take advantage of Google, when it was a lot of just trying to spam the site without having to present the user experience.
Many sites are discarded by google penguin, because they openly bombard backlinks, without seeing quality and relevance of backlinks. can not deny that the seo backlinks are needed by the site, but the rampant spamming google increasingly restless and finally google algorithm update penguin.

Penguin is a filter like the Panda algorithm. This means that the algorithm is back inrun periodically and last in upadate on 4 October 2013. how to avoid and recover from penguin algorithm:

1. Make backlink natural and reasonable in accordance with the needs of your site, giving an unnatural backlink will make your site included in the list panda algorithm.

2. Pay attention to your domain authority to create backlinks because domain authority is the size or barometer google, if backlinks and domain authority detected unnatural then can be sure you will be the target site penguin algorithm.

3. Relevant Backlinks is a way out of the bondage of penguins, because many sites that do not pay attention to these things they never knew how to create relevant backlinks, actually easy but they most likely do not want to use this method, because it makes the relevant backlinks should sorting and selecting sites and quality article. but if you never return to the right seo then you will continue haunted by google algorithm penguin.

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